Documents & Maps

Adopted General Plan (March 9, 2021)
The final adopted General Plan can be downloaded here (pdf).

Final Environmental Impact Report
The Final EIR provides a response to comments received on the Draft EIR and identifies revisions made to the Draft EIR. The Final EIR can be downloaded here (pdf).

Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
The project team has completed the Draft EIR for the General Plan Update. The Draft EIR analyzes the potential environmental impacts associated with adoption and implementation of the General Plan. The EIR is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The City will accept comments on the Draft EIR through December 17, 2020 at 5pm.

The Draft EIR can be downloaded here (pdf).
The Draft EIR Appendices can be downloaded here (pdf).

Draft General Plan (August 2020)
The project team has completed a Draft comprehensive update to the Milpitas General Plan. The Draft General Plan document (pdf) has been developed to meet all applicable requirements of State law, and was crafted with extensive input from the GPAC and the City Council. The Draft General Plan includes the following elements:

- Land Use
- Circulation
- Community Design
- Economic Development
- Conservation and Sustainability
- Utilities and Community Services
- Safety
- Noise
- Parks, Recreation, and Open Space
- Community Health and Wellness
- Implementation

Preferred Land Use Map
In October 2019, the City Council provided final direction on the Preferred Land Use Map. The Land Use Map identifies allowed uses and densities on every parcel of land within the City. View the Preferred Land Use Map (pdf).

Community Profile
To prepare a meaningful General Plan, existing conditions must be understood and documented. This Community Profile (pdf) summarizes key development patterns, natural resources, socioeconomic conditions, and environmental constraints in the city that must be considered when charting the course for Milpitas' future.

Land Use Alternatives Report
The Land Use Alternatives Report (pdf) provides the City with a resource tool to examine different possible approaches to accommodate future development, economic growth, maintain fiscal sustainability, and ensure adequate protection of resources and open space.

Existing Conditions Report
The Existing Conditions Report (pdf) takes a "snapshot" of Milpitas' current (2017) trends and conditions. It provides a detailed description of a wide range of topics within the city, such as demographic and economic conditions, land use, public facilities, and environmental resources. The Existing Conditions Report provides decision-makers, the public, and local agencies with context for making policy decisions.

Draft Policy Sets
The first step in preparing each updated General Plan Element is the preparation of a draft Policy Set.  Each draft Policy Set includes Goals, Policies, and Actions that represent the core of the associated General Plan Element. These Draft Policy Sets have been prepared for the review of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC).  Based on input from the GPAC on each policy set, a draft General Plan Element will be prepared that incorporates the GPAC's recommendations.  Each General Plan Element will include Goals, Policies, and Actions that will guide the City's decision-makers and will also include introductory pages explaining the purpose, intent, and scope of the respective element. The General Plan Elements will also include graphics, maps, and other items such as call-out boxes with definitions of key terms.  Draft Policy Sets will be posted here when they are provided to the GPAC for review.

     Noise Draft Policy Set (pdf)
     Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Policy Set (pdf)
     Safety Policy Set (pdf)
     AirQ Energy Element Policy Set (pdf)
     Utilities and Community Services Policy Sets (pdf)


    Newsletter #1 (pdf)
Newsletter #2 (pdf)
Newsletter #3 (pdf)

Relevant City Planning Documents

The City's primary planning documents, including the current General Plan (adopted in 1994 and amended from time to time), Climate Action Plan, Midtown Specific Plan, Streetscape Master Plan, and Transit Area Specific Plan are available on the City's website: City Planning Documents.